What's hot and what's not 8
El culo más famoso del mundo (con permiso de Nicki Minaj), el mejor debut del año y una nueva cirugía "gone wrong".
World most famous booty, 2014 best musical debut and another plastic surgery "gone wrong".
Virality. Breaking the internet. If there's anyone who knows exactly how to do it, and in fact has made it quite a few times, that's the "bling ring" exponent Kim Kardashian. She's back once again, for the cover of Paper Magazine, with a photoshoot directed by no less than Jean Paul Goude. The Queen of Instagram recreates the pose from an old picture taken by Goude himself back in 1976 in which the model, holds a champagne glass on her butt. The spread doesn't stop there, and there are more pictures showing Kim as she first came to the world. Well, like that plus 2 litres of oil. The internet was, in fact, destroyed.
La rapera más intrigante y misteriosa de los últimos tiempos publicó esta semana por fin su anticipadísimo disco, "Broke With Expensive Taste" y precisamente broken es como nos dejó a todos. El debut más sólido de una nueva artista desde quizás "Born To Die" de Lana Del Rey explora múltiples géneros como el jazz, música latina, surf pop de los 50, house o el rap más puro. Es un álbum experimental, que no entra ni mucho menos en la primera escucha, pero tiene joyas como "Ice Princess", "Chasing Time", "Soda" , "Gimme A Chance" o la ya legendaria "212". Sin promoción, discográfica, aviso previo y sólo publicado digitalmente en iTunes ha conseguido entrar en el top 30 de Billboard. Dádle alguna escucha; está disponible ya en Spotify Spain.
World most intriguing and mysterious rapper of the latest years FINALLY released her long awaited debut album, "Broke With Expensive Taste" and she left us broken. Most solid debut from a female artist since maybe Lana's "Born To Die", this album explores different genres such as jazz, latin, 50's surf pop, house or purest rap. This is an experimental piece of art that is not easy at the first listen, but that after you've been through the album a couple of times makes it worth the long wait. Highlights of the album include "Ice Princess", "Chasing Time", "Soda" , "Gimme A Chance" or the legendary "212". No promotion, no record company, surprise release, no physical release (yet) and it has still managed to reach the top 30 on the Billboard 200. Check it out; you can find it on Spotify Spain.
El segundo single de
Second single from
Uno de los pesos pesados del rap, Eminem, sigue buscando enfrentamiento con el resto de estrellas del pop como ya hacía en sus inicios allá por los primeros años de los "2000". En un nuevo intento de recuperar más relevancia mediática, le dedica estas palabras a Lana Del Rey.
"Bitch I’ll punch Lana Del Rey right in the face twice
like Ray Rice in broad daylight"
No se queda ahí, y a Britney Spears también le dedica el siguiente rap (recordemos que Eminem ya le dedicaba bellísimas palabras tanto a ella como a Xtina en sus primeros discos, o en temas como "The Real Slim Shady")
"When I start shifting gears and shit besmears all over Britney Spears
And these little Disney queers
Who use chicks for beards"
And these little Disney queers
Who use chicks for beards"
Juzgad vosotros mismos la misoginia. Sin comentarios.
"When I start shifting gears and shit besmears all over Britney Spears
And these little Disney queers
Who use chicks for beards"
Judge by yourselves. No comments.
One of hip-hop heavy champs, Eminem, keeps on looking for a fight with fellow pop stars, as he already did back in 2001. In this new attempt to win back some relevancy, he attacks Lana Del Rey with this words.
"Bitch I’ll punch Lana Del Rey right in the face twice
like Ray Rice in broad daylight"
Not only that, but he also has this words for pop princess Britney Spears (remember that Eminem already dissed her and Xtina in his classic "The Real Slim Shady")
And these little Disney queers
Who use chicks for beards"
Judge by yourselves. No comments.
El pasado 10 de Noviembre tuvo lugar en Londres el estreno mundial de la nueva entrega de "Los Juegos Del Hambre", y si había alguien que tenía hambre de críticas, "momento argg" y de un puesto entre los peores looks del año, esa fue Natalie Dormer. La bella actriz, a la que hasta ahora muchos conocíais por Juego de Tronos, eligió este vestido de Nicholas Oakwell, el cual no es que no le haga ningún favor (que también), sino que no hay por donde cogerlo. La forma en las caderas, la longitud de la falda, la flor roja... Todo increíblemente mal.
On November the 10th the World Premiere for the new chapter from "The Hunger Games" saga took place in London, and looks like there was someone hungry for paps flashes. Natalie Dormer, who you may well know for her role in "Game Of Thrones" chose this Nicholas Oakwell dress, that did not make her any favours. The waist line, the hem line, that red flower... All sorts of wrong.
On November the 10th the World Premiere for the new chapter from "The Hunger Games" saga took place in London, and looks like there was someone hungry for paps flashes. Natalie Dormer, who you may well know for her role in "Game Of Thrones" chose this Nicholas Oakwell dress, that did not make her any favours. The waist line, the hem line, that red flower... All sorts of wrong.
Otra que se sigue a Renee Zellwegger en la lista de "operaciones de cirugía estética gone wrong" es Mary Kate Olsen. Con tan sólo 28 años de edad, el 50% de The Row apareció junto con la otra mitad de la marca en la gala "World Of Children" en NY sin líneas de expresión, los pómulos fuertemente marcados, y una nariz más que afilada. El verlas a las dos una al lado de la otra, hizo más evidente el cambio.
Another actress who is following the Renee Zellwegger path is Mary Kate Olsen. At the age of 28, half of "The Row" showed up with the other half at the "World Of Children" gala in NY without facial lines, highly marked cheekbones and a sharpy nose. Seeing both of them side by side made it even more obvious.
Another actress who is following the Renee Zellwegger path is Mary Kate Olsen. At the age of 28, half of "The Row" showed up with the other half at the "World Of Children" gala in NY without facial lines, highly marked cheekbones and a sharpy nose. Seeing both of them side by side made it even more obvious.
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1 comentarios
Ays me gustan mucho estos post aunque el culo de Kim lo cambiaba a out jajaja