Este último viernes y con motivo del cumpleaños de unas amigas, el fin de exámenes y pues bueno, porque tenemos 20 años y los viernes se sale siempre, fuimos a nuestra amada Razzmatazz ,como habitualmente, a disfrutar de las mejores noches de la ciudad condal. Os voy a hablar de Digitalism, uno de mis grupos favoritos de música electrónica que casualmente pinchaban en la sala The Loft. Llevan dando caña desde 2004, pero no fue hasta 2011 cuando los escuché por primera vez, con su album I Love You Dude del cual salieron temazos como 2 Hearts o Circles. Amigos míos habían tenido la oportunidad de verlos en la pasada edición del Arenal Sound, pero para mí era la primera vez. Como era de esperar, la sala estaba llena hasta la bandera, y Jence e Isi no defraudaron al entregado público. Momentazo de la noche cuando samplearon 212 de mi queridisima Azealia, y cuando casi ya al final de la sesión pusieron el tema que les abrió las puertas a las salas de medio mundo, Pogo. En definitiva, una fiestaca para recordar, de las múltiples noches en las que servidor se ha dejado, y se seguirá dejando los pies y el alma bailando en Razzmatazz.
Last friday, due to having finished our exams, the birthday of two friends, and well, because it was friday, we're 20 and we love going out, we went to our beloved Razzmatazz to enjoy the best of Barcelona clubbing scene. I'm going to tell you about Digitalism, one of my favourite groups of Electronic music which were scheduled to have a DJ Set at The Loft. They've been delivering amazing music since 2004, but it was not until 2011 that I heard of them thanks to the release of their album I Love You Dude, which spawned smashes such as 2 Hearts or Circles (my favourite). Some friends of mine, had the chance to see them live in the last edition of music festival Arenal Sound, but for me, it was the first time. As expected, the room was crowded and Jence and Isi totally delivered and pleased the audience. Highlights of the night happened when they sampled 212 by my beloved Azealia Banks, and when almost at the end of their session, they played one of their first hits, Pogo, as the crowd went wild. It was definetely a night to remember, one of those in which I have left my feet and soul dancing in Razzmatazz.
Digitalism DJ Set, archive pic
Digitalism DJ Set, archive pic
Digitalism DJ Set, archive pic
Digitalism DJing @ The Loft
Digitalism DJing @ The Loft
Tee / Camiseta : Topman / Hype limited edition
Biker / Cazadora : Vintage
Jeans / Vaqueros : H&M
Sneakers / Bambas: Asos
Sorry for the blurry pictures, but I was having so much fun I couldn't even focus the camera
"It's been quite of a while since I could experience your brightness."
2 comentarios
me gusta mucho la camiseta!! :)
tiene pinta muy buena!!
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