Sleeping and making money at once
22:36:00¿Cómo ganar dinero mientras duermes? Pues bien, ni soy Cofidís ni tengo ninguna fórmula secreta para tan ansiada utopía, y a menos que seas Tilda Swinton y estés en el MOMA de Nueva York ahora mismo, no creo que sea tu caso. Pues eso, os vengo a hablar de Cornelia Parker, escultora y artista inglesa que ha saltado a los medios convencionales estos días gracias a la performance que está realizando junto a la magnífica y andrógina Tilda Swinton. Consiste en que la ganadora del Oscar en 2007 por "Michael Clayton" aparece inesperadamente un día en el museo de turno, y pasa 8 horas durmiendo en un cofre de cristal bajo la atenta mirada de los curiosos. La performance va a tener lugar más veces, aunque en un horario indeterminado. Aparte de esto, Parker es conocida por sus obras a gran escala, como "Cold, Dark Matter", la cual ella misma describe:
“I resurrect things that have been killed off... My work is all about the potential of materials - even when it looks like they've lost all possibilities.”
Pues nada, si alguno estáis en Nueva York estos días, os acercáis a la calle 53, y a lo mejor tenéis la suerte de contemplar a la Swinton en su fase rem.
How to make money while sleeping? Well, I don't work for a bank, and I don't have any magic recipe for this utopia (as well as you), and unless you're Tilda Swinton, and you're at the MOMA in New York sleeping right now, I don't think you can do it. I want to talk to you about Cornelia Parker, a sculptor and installation artist
from England, who has made headlines this past few days thanks to the art performance she has created involving Tilda Swinton. It basically consists of the award winning actress for her role in the 2007 movie "Michael Clayton" laying in a glass box inside the museum. She randomly appears one day, and she spends 8 hours sleeping while the astonished tourists look at her. Just Brilliant and i just love the fact that Tilda Swinton sleeping can be considered a work of art. Besides this, Parker is known for her big scale installations, such as "Cold, Dark Matter". She describes her work with the sentence:
“I resurrect things that have been killed off... My work is all about the potential of materials - even when it looks like they've lost all possibilities.”
So, if you happen to be in New York this days, go to the 53d street, and maybe you get the chance to see Tilda Swinton sleeping and find out if she snores.
Transitional Object II
Cold Dark Matter: An Exploded View
Perpetual Canon
Hanging Fire Suspected Arson
Vainica doble - La funcionaria
2 comentarios
how amazing :OO I'm absolutely impressed!!
ResponderEliminarque curioso!!! Me recuerda a una escena de sexo en NY... :)